Featuring over 15 child well-being leading professionals addressing a national and global audience.
Trained 1,500+ educators, guardians, and youth serving professioanls.
Accessed by parents/guardians and youth serving professionals across the nation and dozens of countires.
Explore the series:
56 Million school children in the US were directly impacted by COVID-19 as schools across the country shut down. It quickly became clear that these children would soon face unprecedented risks to their social-emotional health and wellbeing.
We moved quickly to identify the most critical issues impacting vulnerable children in the US and assembled digital training content to train over 1,500 educators, parents/guardians; and youth serving professionals across the nation and dozens of countires. This serires addressed pressing issues such as COVID-19's impact onsexual abuse of minors and online predatory behavior; strnethening emotional bonds between mothers and new-borns; health and nutrition of children; home-schooling strategies for effective learning outcomes; the future of education; and the disporporionate impact of COVID-19 on children and families of color.